Misiu is Michal Piekos, a news editor, storyteller and a company director.
He graduated from the University of St Andrews in Philosophy (where he fit in) and did a master’s at the European Business School in London (where he did not). During his studies he worked at the European Parliament, Polish Embassy in Washington DC and as an art dealer for LAPADA, London.
After graduating he worked as a Risk Analyst for Xchanging Plc and Mizuho Bank in London where he specialised in risks related to Brexit. Having left the corporate world behind he spent two years traveling alone, during which time he drove the whole length of South America in a yellow 1982 VW bus. In 2018 he was based in Berlin where he was working as an Editor for MSN News Europe and presenting his writings at various literary events across the city.
Now he lives in Sopot, where he works as a company director.
He lived in Sopot, London, Brussels, Aix en Provence, Washington DC and Santiago de Chile.