Is Brexit discourse absurd enough?
28 December 2018
by Michael Piekos
We have entered a new era in British politics, where once mainstream political stances such as pro-Europeanism are seen as illegitimate or even treasonous. I am told that anything which seems to contradict slogans from the Leave campaign ought to be sacrificed on the altar of a near religious belief that Brexit will ‘somehow work out’.
The new line of argument I hear from Brexiteers is that the reason for Brexit’s apparent failure lies in the fact that the government does not believe enough in its success. May is a Remainer! Had they only put true Brexiteers such as Gove and Johnson on the job, their belief in Brexit alone would have been enough to steer Britain right into an economic El Dorado.
What if they were to fail as well? Then we would hear the same commentators saying that it is because they did not believe enough, and if we only put in their place someone who can guarantee the expected level of belief, then and only then, Brexit will be saved and everyone will live happily ever after.
Do you remember those times when instead of talks of belief we had to listen to all those boring experts talking down at us with facts and numbers? Yawn! That is a goner. Belief is the currency of the day. And we need to be wary. Now the subversive elements are out to to derail the will of the people and those in the 5th column never sleep. And let's make it clear, if you don't believe in Brexit, you are at best not a democrat or perhaps even a traitor. Or worse you are a radical heretic who believes that people can change their minds and vote again. In other words, you are the problem.
After all in 1918 all that stood in the way of the Soviet success was the hidden enemy, the bourgeois element, the remains of the white army hiding under the rock of the communist reason. Once they had been wiped out and the Russian people were still starving it was the trotskyites who carried the responsibility for all evil. Obviously. And once Stalin killed them all or sent to gulags he himself died and his successors announced that the revolution is on the brink of success only if all those subversive stalinist elements get finally wiped out. And it went on and on and did we not have fun.
So let’s proclaim once and for all: Brexit is on the cusp of great success, all we need is to forget facts, figures, experts, all the boring stuff and just believe. Because all Brits are equal, but those who believe in Brexit are more equal than others.